EE Rules!

ENGR 1501
Geolocation techniques (I'll change the picture sometime...)

General Class Information

Learning about satellites, common modulation types, and geolocation.


Basic physics, math. A background in programming in a language such as Matlab will help for the final project but is not necessary if a research project is selected instead.


None. We will reference online materials throughout the course.

Grading Policy

40% Attendance You may have one unexcused absense before your attendance grade is changes. -10% for all following missed classes.
10% Homework These will be small assignments before the final project
60% Final Project This will include a short presentation or class discussion. It can either be research into the state-of-the-art of some method discussed in class or implementing an algorithm.

Contact Information

Please contact me with any questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints. Contact [Professor of Contact] only if you have a more serious concern about class management.

Course Instructor

Caroline Crockett

Professor of Contact

Not sure yet


Subject to change!

Week # Topic Homework
1 (Sep 1) Intro, Geolocation, Motivation Read something as prep
2 (Sep 8) Modulation types. How FM, AM, and PSK are created. Dunno